Water Tracks. In the Footsteps of Griselini

5.13 mins, 2017

Water Tracks is an evocative video inspired to the presence of Francesco Griselini (1717-1787) in the region of Banat, Romania.

The video is one of the results of the residency organized by Diplomatic Art and Prin Banat to which I was honored to participate.

Griselini born in Venice, city on the water. The presence of Italians in Banat is marked by water. Carani was the first Italian village in Banat. In Carani, till Seventies, there was a ricefield called “The Italians’ ricefield”. In Oravita, in front of the Old Mihai Eminescu Theatre, there are the tracks of a subterranean canal built by Italian workers to deliver water to the village.

The tracks of Griselini lose in the Danube, last place of the residency.


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